Sitemap - How to choose new carpet and flooring like a pro!

How To Choose New Flooring Like A Pro!


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How To Compare Carpet Samples

 (with specifications and side by side)


What Makes One Carpet More Durable Than Another?

Carpet Quality and Durability is determined by several factors including the Fiber Type; the fiber Face-Weight; the Pile Density. This defines how well the carpet is constructed overall. This is key information you need to obtain and consider before you make your final carpet selections. There are unique manufacturing specifications available for every carpet manufactured today. Sometimes it can be difficult to obtain all the Carpet Specifications from a carpet retailer. I can help you with that.



The "Carpet Specification" Label

On the back of every Carpet Sample there should be a manufacturer's label that shows the name of the manufacturer; the Type of Fiber used to make the carpet pile; the limited warranty information and the carpet style and color names. 


This label might also reveal which anti-stain or anti-static treatments have been applied. It may also include the Pile Density Rating, Pile height, Face-Weight and the Tuft Twist rating, but in most cases all these specifications are NOT listed on the back of the carpet sample. 


Why? They want to keep it simple. They don't want to confuse you, and they don't want you to ask too many questions. They want you to choose your new carpet quickly, based on color, style, feel... and of course, the price. Which is the absolute worst way for any homeowner to choose new carpet. 


Choosing new carpet without considering all the specifications will likely end in you being unhappy with your carpet durability and performance a some point down the road. Here are the five carpet specifications you need to ask for and obtain from your salesperson:



The 5 Main Carpet Specifications:

carpet display rack - carpet professor1. Fiber Type

2. Pile Height

3. Tuft-Twist Rating

4. Pile Density Rating

5. Pile Face-Weight

These 5 main "Carpet Specifications" are the most critical information you must have when shopping for new carpet.




Carpet Professor's Carpet Durability Guide


Carpet Durability Guide Chart - Carpet ProfessorIf you want to make wise and informed choices you need to know what grade or quality level of carpet you need to buy for your home. (Click on the image to view larger or download)


What is your foot traffic score for your room? Here's a simple test to help you determine your level of foot-traffic you have in your home. It just takes a minute or two to take my free Carpet Foot-Traffic Test.


Then you can use my free Carpet Durability Guide Chart to help determine if the carpet you are considering is capable of meeting all your needs and goals.





How to locate Carpet Specifications?


Once you find several carpets you really like, you need to get the carpet specifications for each carpet before you agree to buy. You need to ask for the manufacturer's spec sheet. The Spec Sheet is a one-page report from the carpet manufacturer that provides all the carpet specifications regarding the carpet in question. Where to Find Specifications



(Carpet Spec-Sheet Example)


Carpet Spec-Sheet Example - Carpetprofessor.comThe carpet salesperson may have to call the manufacturer to ask for it, find it in their computer database or call their local carpet mill representative to request the specifications you need. This can be difficult, time consuming, frustrating  and challenging. 


If all else fails, you can always call the carpet manufacturer yourself and ask them to email it to you. Sometimes that works. Here is a list of carpet manufacturer toll-free 800 numbers and their websites.




Q. What Carpet is Best for Heavy Foot-Traffic?


Have a busy household and need carpet that is super durable and easy to clean? If you want your new carpet to last as long as possible you need to choose carpet made of Nylon. It is the most durable synthetic fiber available today. Learn more about Carpet Fibers and Carpet Durability


What is your foot-traffic score? Take My Free Carpet Foot-Traffic Test to help determine what grade of carpet you need to buy to meet your needs, goals, lifestyle and budget! It is absolutely critical for you to select the grade of carpet (and padding) that is capable of withstanding your unique level of Foot-Traffic you have in your home. 



Carpet Comparison Confusion?

Most carpet stores carry the exact same carpet brands, styles and colors as other nearby carpet stores, with some exceptions. Some stores change the name of color numbers to make it difficult for you to comparison shop. This is called "Private Labeling" and is becoming more common as competition for your business heats up. 


They think it's unfair for their salesperson to spend three hours helping you find the perfect carpet, measure your home, pet your dog and then discover that you purchased the exact same carpet down the street because it was a few dollars cheaper.


Getting a slightly cheaper price at the discount carpet retailer down the street may not end well for you in the long run. Not all carpet and flooring retailers are honest and reliable. If something ever goes wrong, as it often does, a reputable locally-owned carpet dealer will do whatever it takes to make sure you are a satisfied customer. 


free estimatesSome dealers may have a lower price but how good is their customer service before and after the sale? Some dealers have lower prices but use inexperienced or unqualified installers. Some dealers have lower prices but won't return your calls when you have a problem or complaint. These are just a few of the reasons why I have my own preferred list of local carpet dealers that I recommend to my readers. Don't become the victim of a carpet scam! See who I recommend near you!


Some carpet retailers may not be willing to provide you with the carpet specifications just to make it harder for you to comparison shop. They don't want you to shop for a lower price on the exact same carpet at another carpet store down the street.

If your carpet retailer is not willing to provide you with all the carpet specs you ask for, then you should consider shopping somewhere else. If they say the carpet specs are not available, they either don't know how to get them or they don't really care enough to help you. Either way, it says a lot about them. Bear in mind that the salesperson may have to call the carpet manufacturer to gain access to the "spec sheet" you request and it could take a day or two for them to gather all the information for you. Be patient!



A Smarter Way To Shop For New Carpet?

You should always take your time shopping for carpet and gradually narrow down your selections to just a few carpets that you really like. Choose those styles that are most suitable for your needs and goals first, and second, fall within your price range.


Narrow down your final carpet choices to three or four. Before you make your final choice, ask the salesperson to provide you with spec-sheets for each of those carpets you are considering. Now you can compare them side by side based on their specifications and price. Print out my free Carpet Durability Chart to learn more about choosing new carpet wisely!



Get The Quality You Deserve!

Carpet cost too high? You might want to consider doing your new carpet project in two or more stages if the grade of carpet you require is more costly than you anticipated. Perhaps you might do the bedrooms and stairs first, then do the living areas when more funds are available. This way you get what you really want and be sure your carpet will last as long as you expect.  


If you go with a lower quality to save money, your carpet may not last as long and you may need to replace your carpet much sooner than you like. Don't settle for sub-par products that only cause anger and frustration. Upgrade your life with top-quality products that bring joy and pleasure to your everyday routine. Say goodbye to hassles and embrace the happiness that comes with making smart purchasing choices.



Learn the secrets to avoiding common carpet scams!More About Private Labels

A common problem you will encounter when shopping for carpet at home improvement stores like Lowe's or Home Depot, is that they have placed private labels on all their carpet samples. Some locally owned stores use private labels too just to compete with the box stores.


They have deliberately altered the style and color names to prevent you from being able to comparison shop at other nearby carpet stores. What this means to you is that if you find a carpet that you really like, you will have a very hard time finding the exact same carpet at another carpet store. You would need to take samples from store to store to match them up.


Not only do they prevent you from comparing their prices with other nearby carpet retailers. This is also how they get away with charging you more for the carpet, padding and installation. They try very hard to take away your ability to shop around to find the best deal. 


Are Box store prices fair and reasonable? How could you know if you are unable to comparison shop? For this reason and many others, I never recommend buying carpet or flooring from home improvement warehouses. They provide lousy customer service and lure in unsuspecting homeowners with advertising gimmicks like "free installation" Then they hit you with higher than normal fees and charges for every little detail of your project. Common Consumer Carpet Buying Mistakes


Carpet Tuft Twist - What is a Tuft?

Carpet fibers, strands or "filaments" are grouped together to form tufts and twisted while heat is applied to "set" the fibers permanently, hence the term "heat set". The tighter the filaments are twisted the more durable the carpet will be.


For Example: 


7 tuft twists example

This tuft has 7 twists and is a sign of a well-made carpet. I have used green and white to better show the twisting of the tuft. In these examples the tufts are one-inch long (tall). 



4 tuft twists example

This tuft only has 4 twists and is not as good and is a sign of a lower grade of carpet. The Number of Tuft Twists is an important key to making sure your carpet retains its like new appearance longer. 



Frieze styles always have a higher Tuft Twist rating (usually well over 6) and is why Frieze styles are well-known for their durability and retaining a like-new appearance longer than most other carpet styles. (I am referring to Frieze styles made of 100% Nylon).


  • The Tuft Twist rating is based on the number of twists per "lineal inch" of tuft. 

  • The Tuft Twist rating numbers usually range from 3.0 to 7.5

What Makes Carpet Look Bad or Ugly?

Carpets with a low Tuft-Twist Rating (less than 5) are more likely to untwist or “blossom” at the yarn tips more quickly... thus creating a worn out or matted down appearance.


blooming tuft example - carpet professorThis example shows a single tuft that has unraveled or "blossomed" making the carpet look matted down and ugly. Nothing can be done to repair a carpet when this happens. Carpets with a lower Tuft Twist rating tend to "blossom" more quickly and as a result will appear worn out much more quickly. Tufts cannot be re-twisted. 


This is why it is important to choose a new Carpet with a higher Tuft-Twist rating. It will resist untwisting of the tuft; retain its like-new appearance longer and tolerate a higher level of foot traffic. When comparing new carpet side by side, you must consider the Tuft Twist to help determine which carpet may be the better choice. 


Study this simple chart to better understand how carpet quality is determined in part by the number of twists each tuft has. Most frieze styles have a high tuft twist rating of at least 6 or more. That's one reason why frieze carpets tend to wear better and last longer than many other styles.



What is the "PAR" Carpet Rating System?

Some carpet manufacturers have a durability scale they use to inform consumers. It is usually based on a number from one to five, with five being the most durable. I don't like their rating system because I don't think it provides an accurate true-to-life representation. Is there such as thing as a typical family of four? Learn more about the PAR rating system for carpet.



Next Up:

 - How to choose new carpet and flooring like a pro!


~ The Top 500 Carpet Stores in America ~


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